connect with us 01722 448448
Passionate. Personable. Proactive.

Recruitment Candidates in Salisbury

Did you know the average person will spend 90,000 hours at work over a lifetime?

Purple Panda Jobs know how important finding the right role is, so we spend time with our candidates asking the right questions and ensuring that we really understand their needs before talking to them about only the most suitable roles.

We believe it’s important to put a face to a name so will endeavour to meet all our candidates prior to interviews. This gives us a great opportunity to provide them with as much information about the companies and the roles who they are interviewing for and to put them in the best position possible.

We work with only the most motivated and dedicated candidates, matching them with employers who we are proud to be partnered with. We have excellent candidate retention levels with real success stories.

If you are looking to work with a recruitment agency who go that extra mile to find you the perfect role then give us a call today on 01722 448 448.


“Lucy helped me so much to develop my career in sales and marketing. She understood my needs perfectly placing me in suitable interviews and giving me encouraging expert advice to help me land my dream job. I am very grateful for her knowledge and help, and I highly recommend her to everyone that wants to take their career to the next level”

Aimee, Sales & Marketing, Hampshire.